
伦敦艺术大学广州招生代表处 | 2012-02-13

    Roksanda Ilincic Fashions a Laid-Back Weekend


与亲友相伴,轻松度周末,被浓浓的生活气息包裹,投身暖暖的家庭怀抱,谁说这不是一种时尚呢?中央圣马丁校友,34岁的塞尔维亚设计师 Roksanda Ilincic 踏入时尚行业至今,成果斐然,女装、泳装、晚装再到日常着装,每一次蜕变都有新的惊喜。作品带有鲜明的女性特色,娴熟、端庄、典雅,但又不失热情与生动,还能自然避开小女生稚气之嫌。众多名媛如女演员 Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Penélope Cruz,歌手 Lady Gaga,第一夫人 Michelle Obama 还有剑桥公爵夫人 Catherine 对她的服装作品推崇有加。相信吗,她的周末时光,就是在这样的温暖和放松氛围中度过的。


When she isn't neck-deep in colorful silks, the designer focuses on friends The Serbian fashion designer talks to The Wall Street Journal Europe about how she starts her weekend.

Roksanda Ilincic's hands are full. A nine-year veteran of the fashion industry, the 34-year-old designer works on four womenswear collections a year, plus a swimwear line and various collaborations. With London Fashion Week just weeks away, the Belgrade native, whose elegant designs have been described as "feminine but never girly," is busily preparing her fall 2012 collection at her home studio in North London.


Roksanda Ilincic


Ms. Ilincic launched her eponymous label in 2002, two years after graduating from London's Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, where she now lectures. For the past 6.5 years, she has been showcasing her collections at London Fashion Week, expanding from the eveningwear that first gained her a name into equally sophisticated daywear. Her client list now ranges from actresses Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Penélope Cruz to singer Lady Gaga to first lady Michelle Obama and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.


When she isn't neck-deep in colorful silks, the designer focuses on friends and family. "I work hard," she says. "So when I have free time, I prefer to spend it with my husband and my [18-month-old] daughter."



How do you start your weekend?


My big goal is to go to a pub called Nelsons Head in Shoreditch. I live in Islington, so it's quite close to my work. Every Friday, my friend Lulu Kennedy from Fashion East gathers all of our friends [in the fashion industry]. Tonight, I am determined to go there after work and enjoy the moment and have fun.



What's the place like?


Nelsons Head is quite a famous pub near the Columbia Road flower market. It is usually where lots of creative people from the fashion industry end up going to.... What makes it so special is that it is really low key, beautiful, and like a little welcoming hidden place. Apart from being very reasonably priced, I also love the interior...with its quirky paintings. They aren't particularly high art, but they all add to the atmosphere. They also have lovely china pots and bottles.... It has an incredible jukebox; you put your little coins in and decide to be a DJ for the night. There's always quite a lot of Beyoncé, Destiny's Child, etc. I don't go as often as I would like to, but every time I go there, I am sure to bump into somebody who's very dear to me.



What do you usually talk about?


Sometimes we talk about fashion, but we talk about many other things. We do little plots and talk about where we should go and have a holiday together. We talk about where we should all end up after London Fashion Week.... Nelsons Head doesn't sell food, but they welcome food from outside. So they actually have menus from local pizza places, pubs or restaurants. So we can get the food outside, bring it back in to buy our drinks, chat and make silly plans. It is amazing.



Where else to you dine out?


We usually end up at Drapers Arms pub for Sunday lunch. It's a lovely place with great food, and I can actually take the baby there because it is very spacious and it has toys and games. She likes to walk around the pub. I usually end up with some mushroom risotto and other people have a proper English Sunday roast.



What else do you like to do?


I have a little daughter, so every time I have off, I like to spend it with her. Her name is Efimia. It's a Serbian name. I just think it sounds so lovely in both languages. She is in a lovely stage at the moment: She's walking, she's extremely active, smiling all the time, talking her own little language. What amuses my husband and I the most is her mimicking everything that we are doing. If I am carrying a handbag in a certain way, she will pick up a plastic bag from the floor and carry it the same way. Or if my husband is wearing his hat in a certain way, she will make her hat look the same. If you are eating something, even if it's a sour lemon, she would make sure to try it at least. She brings a lot of joy and she is a real entertainment. She has changed my life for the better. I am really happy.



And if you had more time?


I just wish I had more time to visit galleries. I love art and I find it very inspirational.


—Ms. Ilincic was speaking with Javier Espinoza.



