SAS 在切爾西藝術與設計學院運行獎學金計劃

伦敦艺术大学授权广州招生代表处 | 2012-06-08

SAS Launches Scholarship Scheme at Chelsea College of Art and Design

SAS 在切爾西藝術與設計學院運行獎學金計劃


SAS 設立的三項獎學金面向倫敦藝術大學切爾西藝術與設計學院平面設計專業二年級的所有學生。想申請的同學要在二年級階段完成一個完整的現場項目,三名優勝的同學將在三年級時獲得該獎學金。 SAS 的執行創意總監 David Stocks 表示,當下上學成本不斷上升,造成很多學生陷入艱難,公司和機構有責任支持和培養這些人才,而不只是把他們當作廉價勞動力,這樣,來自于行業自身的支持,才能使創意產業續寫殊榮。


SAS is launching a £10 000 scheme to provide three scholarships for students at Chelsea College of Art and Design.


The scholarships will be open to all second-year graphic design students at the institute, which is part of University of the Arts London.


Students wishing to apply will be asked to complete a live project in the second year, and three winning students will then be chosen to receive a scholarship for their third year.


David Stocks, executive creative director at SAS, says, ‘It’s tough for students with the cost of study rising all the time.


‘We believe there is a responsibility on agencies to support and nurture young talent and not just use graduates as lowly paid interns. The great reputation for creativity we have in this country will only continue with the support of our industry.’




